Enrique "Gusi" Cuellar, is a photographer, explorer and mountaineer. Focused on culture, landscapes and wildlife, Gusi tries to highlight and beautify subjects and moments related to these topics as well as the adventurous aspect of the journey towards them.

Based in El Salvador, projects in Central and North America and Europe, Gusi maintains the vision of expanding to all continents of the world, capturing adventures, exploring new places and showing viewers his experiences through his photographic perspective.

Through resources such as impressions and social networks, Gusi plans to bring those captures to the eyes of as many people as possible, focusing mainly on those who did not know about such places, traditions, subjects and animals including those who lack resources or physical condition to live them in person.

Finally, in the process of carrying out his vision, Gusi's work offers the contribution of raising awareness of difficult situations, encouraging tourism and bringing to light the unknown for many.

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